Using Essential Oils Safely
If you're going to learn about using essential oils safely, get your information from someone who doesn't profit from selling them. Lea Jacobson is an essential oil safety expert with the honor of educating over a million health-conscious families on safe remedies for themselves and their loved ones.
Podcasting since 2019 • 75 episodes
Using Essential Oils Safely
Latest Episodes
10 Problematic Essential Oils (How to Choose the Best Essential Oil Brand Part 4)
So far in this series on choosing an essential oil brand, I've armed you with some great questions to ask when you check out a company's website. This can help you determine whether or not they are providing the safety information you need to s...
Season 6
Episode 5
What is the BEST essential oil brand? (How to Choose the Best Essential Oil Brand, Part 3)
If you're wondering which essential oil brand to purchase from, you can check out the website of the brand that you are interested in, and go through a list of questions to see where they stand. Some of those questions I've shared on prev...
Season 6
Episode 4
How to Choose the Best Essential Oil Brand (Part 2)
If you're wondering which essential oil brand you want to purchase from, you have two options...
Season 6
Episode 3
How to Choose the BEST Essential Oil Brand (Part 1)
One of the most common questions I get asked about in our facebook group is: "What brand is best?" or "Which brand do YOU use, Lea?"Sometimes it's because the person knows about the 3rd party testing I pioneered a while back which we di...
Season 6
Episode 2
Essential Oil Brands (test your knowledge!)
Curious to know if our brand series is for you? Let's find out with a pop quiz that will test your knowledge when it comes to choosing an essential oil brand to purchase from. As a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist who doesn't sell...
Season 6
Episode 1